
Showing posts from September, 2017

Why are Valid Workers’ Comp Claims Often Denied? North Carolina Job Injury Lawyer NC Workplace accident attorney Edelstein Payne explains (2018)

Image Why are Valid Workers’ Comp Claims Often Denied?  Valid Workers' Comp Claims are Often Denied for flimsy details.  When a worker is injured on the job, they assume that they are going to be covered here in North Carolina by workers' compensation, and their medical bills are going to be taken care of, and they may get some weekly disability benefits.  Unfortunately, claims adjusters for insurance companies regularly deny claims that should not be denied.  Claims that should be claimed compensable.  They do this I believe to save the insurance company money, because they don't pay out then for the medical expenses or the weekly benefits.  Unfortunately, all too often working people who get their claim denied think that the system has just once again messed them over.  They go on with their lives without contacting a lawyer.  That is a mistake.  Many of the claims that are denied are in fact valid claims, and if you talk to a lawyer be it

Is it just me, or does the NC Workers Compensation System cause injured employees frustration? Attorney M. Travis Payne provides Free Job injury case reviews

Image Is it just me, or does the NC Workers Compensation System cause injured employees frustration?  It is not just you, the NC workers Compensation System does cause many injured employees frustration. If you were injured on the job, and particularly if your injury is accepted as compensable, and you've been out of work for an extended time, more likely than not you have experienced lots of frustration with the workers' compensation system .  That unfortunately, is the way the system is administrated, administered, and the medical care and the benefits workers are entitled to are not always provided in a speedy fashion. We, myself and my associates in the law firm represent injured workers all over the state of North Carolina.  We understand the ins and outs of the workers comp system, and the annoyance and frustration it causes for injured workers.  If you've have an injury on the job, and are experiencing the type of frustration an

Can an Occupational Disease Such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome be Covered by Workers’ Compensation in North Carolina? Edelstein Payne offers Free Case Evaluations

Image In this video, attorney M. Travis Payne explains: "There are really two different types of medical problems that can arise on the job that are covered by workers compensation. One is injury by accident. The other which is more difficult factually and medically is an occupational disease. Occupational diseases are often what is called "repetitive motion claims". Someone who has typed on a keyboard for 20 years, and ends up with carpal tunnel syndrome in both their hands and wrists. Someone who has done the same motion on an assembly line. 200 times a minute with their leg, and does that for several years and their knee gives out. There's no accident there, but those cases can be compensable as workers' comp cases. It requires very strong medical testimony from the treating doctors. If you have such a situation, and you have submitted a claim to workers' comp and it has been denied, and you want a free consul